


除了退伍军人管理局的贷款, it still generally takes some cash up front to get into a home. How much cash you’ll be required to have up front depends on the type of 抵押贷款 (whether FHA or conventional) and your personal financial situation. The better your credit, though, the lower the down payment the lender will typically expect.

你需要存多少钱? If you are applying for an FHA loan and your FICO score is between 500 and 579, 计划10%或更多的首付款. If your score is 580 or better, you may be able to qualify for a 3.5%首付按揭.

Conventional 抵押贷款s tend to have somewhat higher down-payment requirements. You begin to become competitive for a 5%首付按揭 when you have a FICO score of around 680, 尽管贷方在实践中差异很大. 然而, 节省私人按揭保险费用, 你可能想申请退伍军人管理局贷款, 如果你有资格, 或者存20%.

那么,省钱的最好方法是什么呢? 以下是需要牢记的因素:

除非你打算等几年再买房, 你不会想拿这笔钱冒太大的风险. Hopefully, you will have your down payment saved up within a year or two. It doesn’t make sense to risk a large market loss and throw your dream of homeownership off schedule.

你不会想把这笔钱锁起来很多年的. 你希望能够快速、廉价地获取你的资金.

你希望你的钱得到合理的回报或收益. But don’t sacrifice safety for yield if it means risking your goal of homeownership.

投资有风险. 但有些金融工具带有书面担保. Examples include balances in checking and savings accounts and share savings certificates at credit unions, 这些都有高达250美元的保证,如果信用社资不抵债的话. 十大网投官方入口s have a typical arrangement via the Federal Deposit 保险 Corporation.

那么你应该把钱放在哪里呢? Here are some common options that have stood the test of time – along with the advantages and disadvantages of each.

你可以把现金塞进床垫或咖啡罐里. 这很方便,但不是很安全. Your money is subject to the hazards of theft, flood, fire or loss. 它也不会产生任何回报.

These generally produce a small return, but at least it’s something. 他们是, 然而, 非常方便, if you are disciplined about not spending the money that’s earmarked for your down payment. 如果你的存款很少, it may make sense to keep it here instead of paying fees to maintain a low balance account. 这些贷款有最高250美元的十大网投官方入口破产担保,每名帐户持有人000元, either from the FDIC (for banks) or the National 信贷 Union Share 保险 Fund, 或NCUSIF. Because credit unions are mutually owned by depositors just like you, you can frequently get a better deal in the long run by using a credit union.

Certificates of deposit (also known as “share savings certificates” at credit unions).
These typically pay a higher yield than checking or savings accounts, 也有资格获得联邦保险. 然而, they do require you to commit your money for a specific period of time. The penalty for early withdrawals is usually the equivalent of six months of interest.

这是一种低风险的共同基金, short-term bonds and commercial paper designed to maintain a stable per-share price of $1 per day. By and large, they have been able to do so, historically, though there are no guarantees. They may offer higher yields than guaranteed accounts, and do not require a time commitment. 然而, there is a possibility that your money market will lose money. 一些金融机构确实提供有保险的货币市场.


如果你有永久人寿保险, 比如终身寿险, 它会随着时间积累现金价值. Whole life and well-funded universal-life insurance policies can be effective tools for savers – especially since whole life insurance cash value receives a guaranteed crediting rating and is guaranteed never to decline in value as long as you pay premiums as scheduled.

You can withdraw up to $10,000 from your IRA to put a down payment on a home with no penalty. For traditional IRAs, you will need to pay income taxes on any such withdrawals.

If you are a federal employee or member of the United States military, 节俭储蓄计划, 或茶匙, allows you to borrow money to make your down payment on a home on advantageous terms. 欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.茶匙.政府.

401 (k)的贷款.
一些雇主允许你从你的401(k)账户中借款. 通常, you will need to repay the loan within five years or face taxes and penalties on any remaining balance. 然而, 如果你离开你的雇主, you will have to repay the loan immediately or face taxes and penalties on what you’ve withdrawn. This makes using 401(k) loans tricky for longer terms – especially where employment prospects are not certain.

奖金: Another great tip is to start saving the amount of your expected monthly 抵押贷款 note. 如果你能轻松省下这么多钱, then you know you will be able to afford the monthly 抵押贷款 and you can quickly build a nest egg for the deposit on your new home.

Whatever vehicles you choose to utilize in accumulating your savings, 你的信用合作社随时准备提供帮助. Whether you are a first-time home buyer or purchasing land to build your dream home, 我们可以帮你到达那里. Our team of 首页 Loan Specialists will guide you through the entire process to ensure that you have what you need when you need it. 今天安排一个约会.